Friday 24 June 2011

24th June 2011

Dear Parents

Gateways just isn’t a School that winds down towards the end of year. It is definitely quieter around the place because so many pupils are involved in visits, trips, work experience and, of course, ongoing study leave.

‘Gateways Flyers’ were in action again at the Knaresborough Bed Race on the 11th June; it was great fun and a huge effort from the girls taking part. Our Prep School cheerleaders got the event off to a great start.

The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh girls succeeded in their final expedition on the 11th and 12th June, even though the heavens opened and it was a wet Sunday afternoon collection. Well done girls!

The lunchtime concert at Kirkby Overblow Church was delightful; our girls represented their talents and the School impressively. Anna’s performance of ‘Bessie the Black Cat’ provided me with a trip down memory lane.

‘New Girls’ Afternoon welcomed many new faces; the Prep School pupils also spent the day in their new classes for September. It was a busy afternoon enjoyed by everyone.

The variety of the Prep Summer Concert on the 16th June was enjoyed by all, particularly the audience participation in ‘What Should we do with the Drunken Sailor’!

The rain held off this time for Prep Sports Day on 17th June and we watched talented athletes compete keenly, particularly in the mums and dads races.

Mrs Burton, Mr Davison and I have been interviewing the many Lower 6 students who applied to be Prefects and Head girls. What a pleasure the interviews were; to talk with such mature, enthusiastic and impressive young women is a joy. We now have to make the difficult choices – it’s so hard! Results will be announced shortly.

I have received a letter from Harewood Parish Council asking for our support with parking in the village. There have been several instances of dangerous parking, particularly adjacent to the Harewood Arms, where parents drop off their children for school. Please could I ask that parents avoid this area and use the school car park; this will help to reduce the likelihood of an accident in the village.

I would just draw to your attention our school bus services, and encourage their use, particularly given our green credentials. We have been reviewing routes and the service generally; details should come to you in the summer mailing. The girls often look forward to the journey to and from School; it helps them to get to know well other girls in different year groups.

Looking forward to Prize Giving, in the Harewood House marquee, on the 7th July, we are delighted to be strengthening our links with Harewood and look forward to you joining us.

Yours sincerely
Mrs Y Wilkinson